Weight loss jabs to have tougher checks over fears drugs supplied ‘inappropriately’
Feb 04, 2025
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Recently, the pharmacy regulator has made it tougher for people to get weight-loss injections. They are trying to make sure these injections are only given to people who really need them. Some people were getting the injections without the proper checks, which could be dangerous.
Now, online pharmacies will need to have a proper consultation with patients before giving them weight-loss injections. They will need to check the patient's body mass index and make sure the medicine is safe for them. Email or phone consultations won't be enough anymore.
The pharmacy regulator wants to protect patients and make sure they are getting the right treatment. If pharmacies don't follow the new rules, they could face consequences. The new rules also say that patients should have a say in who gets to see their medical information.
If you need weight-loss injections, make sure to talk to a pharmacist who will make sure it's safe for you. It's important to follow the rules and guidelines to stay healthy. The pharmacy regulator is working to keep people safe and make sure they get the right treatment.