Bonobos Can Tell When a Human Doesn't Know Something
Feb 04, 2025
Bonobos are really smart animals! They can tell when a person doesn't know something and help them find the right answer. In an experiment, bonobos had to find a treat hidden under a cup with the help of a human. When the person didn't see where the treat was placed, the bonobos pointed out the right cup. This shows that bonobos can understand when someone is ignorant and help them out.
Researchers believe that bonobos, like humans, have the ability to understand the mental states of others, a concept known as theory of mind. In the experiment, the bonobos were able to infer when the human didn't know where the treat was and pointed them in the right direction. This ability to understand and act upon others' ignorance may date back to the last common ancestor of humans and bonobos.
The bonobos in the study were able to communicate without the need for complex language. They used gestures and pointing to make sure the human partner found the treat. Despite their lack of language, the bonobos were able to guide the human in the right direction.
It's still unclear whether the bonobos were just trying to get a treat or if there was a deeper motivation behind their actions. Researchers hope to further study bonobos to understand the extent of their understanding and communication abilities. By studying these great apes, researchers hope to learn more about our own place in the natural world and how similar we are to these intelligent animals.